Hrishabh's Learning Journey

About Me

I'm Hrishabh, a Senior Undergraduate Student at the Computer Engineering Department, at NIT Surat, India.

I love to write 'neat' C++, JS & Python code. So, if you want to discuss anything, I will be happy, just drop an e-mail. But, don't ask my future plans in there.🤢

Apart from this, I have spent my past three-years in polishing my Software and Web Development skills and explored a lot in the field of DLTs.

With a great inclination towards understanding research work, I worked as an Undergraduate Research Assistant at Computer Science & Engg. Department, IIT Kharagpur under the supervision of Prof. Sandip Chakraborty in Summers' 2019.

Following the same interest, I wanted to pursue a Summer Research Internship in 2020, but my offer got Passover due to pandemic.😛 #gocorona

Sometimes missing an opportunity, actually makes room for opening new experiences, and I started committing to Open-Source, which lead me to the Google Summer of Code 2020, where I worked with OpenSCAD, a programmer's solid CAD 3D Modeller, under the BRLCAx Umbrella, as a Student Developer.

Looks like that, was enough to know me. Still have some legitimate questions. Catch me on twitter @_sharmahrishabh

Apart from these professional interests, I am so obsessed with memes and also make some in free time 😉

Wanna play a game, find me, in the cover pic?? 🤪, Hint: I am also the GitHub Campus Expert.

Get my Professional Resume Here.

Tools of Trade